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Yamuna Veligaram

  • Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Python, C Language, SQL Server
Profile Snapshot
Yamuna is based out of Chennai & has studied Embedded Systems, ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology from Year 2015-2017 in VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology, VIT University.
Yamuna Veligaram is Skilled in Python, C Language, SQL Server and other talents.
Work Experience
Software Developer
Nokia Networks
Internships Aug-2016 To present (8 years 7 months)
  • Based on application develop a code and send data to data base server.

» 2 Projects

Controlling and Monitoring the Air Quality System
Student at VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology
Nov-2016 to present
To create a Air Quality System (AQS) for observer pollution in production and Capture the data from the AQS and sends data to the Server and report data viewed in webpage.

Air Quality System, acronym as AQS is IoT solution to sense air quality parameters such as NH3, CO2 & Dust. The Air Quality System (AQS) contains ambient air pollution data collection & reports Air Quality System in device LCD display as well as transmits collected parameter data via its Wi-Fi module to database server which is then reflected in web portal.

: RFID Base Trolley Tracking System
Student at VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology
Aug-2016 to present
• To capture data from the Automotive Guided Vehicle using RFID Sensor and then send the data to the data base Server.

Master of Engineering or Technology
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • • Actively organized SIDDARTH QUEST 2K15
  • Ability to plan and Organize.
  • • Served as a class representative during my school
  • • Fast learner and adaptable to environment.
  • • Creative
  • • Interest to take initiative and motivate others and self.