Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Python, C Language, SQL Server
Work Experience
Software Developer
Nokia Networks
Internships Aug-2016 To present 8 years 7 months
  • Based on application develop a code and send data to data base server.
» 2 Projects
Master of Engineering or Technology
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • • Actively organized SIDDARTH QUEST 2K15

  • Ability to plan and Organize.

  • • Served as a class representative during my school

  • • Fast learner and adaptable to environment.

  • • Creative

  • • Interest to take initiative and motivate others and self.

Profile Snapshot
Yamuna is based out of Chennai & has studied Embedded Systems, ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology from Year 2015-2017 in VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology, VIT University.
Yamuna Veligaram is Skilled in Python, C Language, SQL Server and other talents.