Samhita Khanuja
Team Lead
Gurgaon, Haryana, India - Communication Skills, English Language, Content Writing
Samhita is based out of Gurgaon & has studied IT-Information Technology, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2009-2013 in BV-Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali University.
Samhita Khanuja is Skilled in Communication Skills, English Language, Content Writing and other talents.
I'm a highly creative, logical, intellectual, outspoken and friendly person who is looking for an extremely challenging role that will surprise my own self with the hidden capabilities and abilities inside me.
My objective is to become an indispensable part of the organization and prove my worth with each passing moment.
My belief: If you invest 100% efforts in achieving a target, you never fail.
Elevate Services
Full Time
Jan-2018 To present
(7 years 2 months)
Elevate Services
Full Time
May-2016 To Nov-2018
(2 years 6 months)
Full Time
Jul-2014 To May-2015
(10 months)
» 2 Projects
Jul-2012 to Dec-2012
Based on various Inter college competitions.
Student at BV-Banasthali Vidyapith
Jan-2012 to May-2012
A website that describes the in and out of the City Agra.
Banasthali VidyapithBanasthali University
| Score 66%
Was Selected as the Student Ambassador for IBM in College.
Head of the Organizing team for Intra college fest. (Mayukh)
Won Inter College Debate competition
Head of the Organizing team for Intra college fest. (Mayukh)
Won Inter College Debate competition