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Sandip Shivaji Nikhade

Equity Dealer & Trader 3 Years Experience
  • Nashik, Maharashtra, India
  • Finance, Six Sigma, Equity Trading
प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Sandip Nashik से बाहर है और Finance, MBA-Master of Business Administration वर्ष 2011-2013 से KRSCMS-K R Sapkal College of Management Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University का अध्ययन किया है।
Sandip Shivaji Nikhade Finance, Six Sigma, Equity Trading और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है
यूजर के बारे में
Six Sigma Green Belt Certified (RABQSA) Australia, MBA-Finance with 3 years experience in core equity dealing and trading on NSE BSE MCX ODIN based trading terminal. Winner of Zerodha 60 Day Challenge (
काम का अनुभव
Equity dealer & trader
Goldenmine Services
पूरा समय मई-2013 तक वर्तमान (11 वर्षों 10 महीने)
  • • Trading and dealing with equities, derivatives and futures & options on the behalf of client on ODIN BASE terminal in NSE, BSE AND MCX.
    • Conducting training and educational program and meeting for junior traders.
    • Preparing challenge program between Dealer, Trader and Investor.
    • Testing of charting software and modification according to the requirements and market situations. Analyzed market performance and forecasts with advanced technical and financial analysis of scripts.
    • Advising trading calls to clients on the basis of technical chart analysis and conducting technical study and research of the stocks to be traded.
    • Offer financial and investments support to the customers to solve their queries.
    • Giving trade support to investor, monitoring their performance and managing their portfolio.
    • Perform services related to agency franchisee trading.
    • Generating brokerage for franchisee.
    • Perform services related to advisory company.
  • ? Winner of Zerodha 60 Day Challenge (
Master of Business Administration, Finance
K R Sapkal College of Management StudiesSavitribai Phule Pune University

Bachelor of Commerce, Business Administration
2008-2011 | स्कोर 58%
Secure Higher second class