Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Finance, Six Sigma, Equity Trading
यूजर के बारे में
Six Sigma Green Belt Certified (RABQSA) Australia, MBA-Finance with 3 years experience in core equity dealing and trading on NSE BSE MCX ODIN based trading terminal. Winner of Zerodha 60 Day Challenge (
काम का अनुभव
Equity dealer & trader
Goldenmine Services
पूरा समय मई-2013 तक वर्तमान 11 वर्षों 10 महीने
  • • Trading and dealing with equities, derivatives and futures & options on the behalf of client on ODIN BASE terminal in NSE, BSE AND MCX.
    • Conducting training and educational program and meeting for junior traders.
    • Preparing challenge program between Dealer, Trader and Investor.
    • Testing of charting software and modification according to the requirements and market situations. Analyzed market performance and forecasts with advanced technical and financial analysis of scripts.
    • Advising trading calls to clients on the basis of technical chart analysis and conducting technical study and research of the stocks to be traded.
    • Offer financial and investments support to the customers to solve their queries.
    • Giving trade support to investor, monitoring their performance and managing their portfolio.
    • Perform services related to agency franchisee trading.
    • Generating brokerage for franchisee.
    • Perform services related to advisory company.
  • ? Winner of Zerodha 60 Day Challenge (
Master of Business Administration, Finance
K R Sapkal College of Management StudiesSavitribai Phule Pune University
Bachelor of Commerce, Business Administration
2008-2011 स्कोर58%
Secure Higher second class
प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Sandip Nashik से बाहर है और Finance, MBA-Master of Business Administration वर्ष 2011-2013 से KRSCMS-K R Sapkal College of Management Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University का अध्ययन किया है।
Sandip Shivaji Nikhade Finance, Six Sigma, Equity Trading और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है