Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, India
General Knowledge, English Language, Power System
Self motivated,hardworker
Bachelor of Technology
St Ann College of Engineering and TechnologyJawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinanda
2015-2019 Score75%
I was achieved many certificates and I am one of the topper of my academic career
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Writing stories

  • Cricket

  • listening to music

  • making paper crafts

Profile Snapshot
Veruva is based out of Prakasam & has studied EEE-Electrical and Electronics Engineering, B.Tech-Bachelor of Technology from Year 2015-2019 in SACET-St Ann College of Engineering and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinanda.
Veruva Saitejaswini is Skilled in General Knowledge, English Language, Power System and other talents.