Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Communication Skills, Aptitude, Sociologist
Man sixties.Retired as Meteorologist. Born as Tamilian and a proud Indian
Work Experience
India Meteorological Department
Full Time Sep-1982 To Jul-2018 35 years 10 months
  • Generating district wise rainfall distribution, inspection of raingauge stations,
  • Preparing taluk wise rainfall distribution. Studying the meteorological relation between Indian SOUTH WEST MONSOON rainfall and Mascarene High
» 1 Project
Bachelor of Science, Physics
The American CollegeMadurai Kamaraj University
1976-1979 Score67%
I was adjudged one among the top ten in college during my study period.
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Tamil Culture

  • Tamil litreature

  • blog posts

Profile Snapshot
Ma. is based out of Chennai & has studied Physics, B.Sc-Bachelor of Science from Year 1976-1979 in TAC-The American College, Madurai Kamaraj University.
Ma. Vey .Ku is Skilled in Communication Skills, Aptitude, Sociologist and other talents.