Student at VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology
Nov-2017 to May-2018
This work deals with the problem of the optimum Design and Analysis of Honeycomb Sandwiched Panel. Honeycomb panel consists of core and face sheet. Due to high Bending stresses (compression / tension) at top and bottom face sheets, high strength materials like steel, aluminium, Titanium sheet are used. Core is made from metals like aluminium, Titanium, Grey Cast Iron, in the shape of hexagonal honeycomb and extruded to form a 3D structure. The goal is to analyse and compare various results like maximum principal stress, Equivalent Stress, maximum principle elastic strain and total deformation among the models prepared by varying various parameters like varying load, varying type of load, using different material and also varying the support conditions. The model has been analysed using the ANSYS finite element analysis and the results will been compared to find out the required maximum and minimum value of deformation, Stress and Strain. We will also find the change in percentage cha