Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Brand Management, Market Research, Marketing
I am a self motivated person with good inter-personal skills, I am having good technical knowledge and presentation skills. I can also act as a team player. I hope these skills will help me to achieve good career path.
Work Experience
Marketing & Placements
Sales and Marketing
Full Time Mar-2014 To Jun-2014 3 months
  • Managing training institutes that are registering in,
    Suggesting the training institutes depending on their needs,
    Marketing the products of the in an effective way to increase the reach,
    Acquiring new clients all over India to expand the reach
    Suggesting the students about the jobs depending on their qualification and giving them the right career path
  • Prepared attractive & effective content for the mailer campaigns.
Marketing intern
Inflatable ideas
Internships Jul-2013 To Aug-2013 1 month
  • Conducted Industry analysis by collecting information of different companies’ revenue and reach
    Company analysis by keen observation of organizational structure, supply chain and revenue of firm
    Worked under the digital marketing section and did bulk mailing, which is a part of lead generation
  • Proposed strategies to develop the business
» 1 Project
Master of Business Administration, Marketing
Indus Business AcademyNBA Accredited, Equivalence to MBA by AIU, Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Honored by southern economist students study circle for being top 5 students in IBA
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • MBA Blues by Prof.chandra kant

  • caroms

  • Dance

  • 10 lessons for success

  • chess

  • listening music

  • badminton

  • search about new technologies

  • playing games

Profile Snapshot
Shaik is based out of Bangalore & has studied Marketing, MBA-Master of Business Administration from Year 2012-2014 in IBA-Indus Business Academy, NBA Accredited, Equivalence to MBA by AIU, Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India.
Shaik Vafadher Kalesha is Skilled in Brand Management, Market Research, Marketing and other talents.