Bangalore, Karnataka, India
SQL Server, Core Java, Selenium
Working as a QA Test Engineer at ITC infotech, Having the domain experience in Airline and PPM(Project Portfolio Management). Good work experience with both Manual and Automation tool like Selenium(Hybrid framework(Keyword driven and Data driven framework ,BDD).
Work Experience
Test Engineer
Full Time Jun-2015 To present 9 years 9 months
  • Understanding the Business requirements and Preparing Test Scenarios.
    Preparing Manual test cases for requirement.
    Involved in Peer-Review test cases.
    Performing various type of testing like system testing, re-testing, SIT, E2E
  • Spot Award for providing easier ways to test for Manual team
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Narayana Engineering CollegeJawaharlal Nehru Technological University
2010-2014 Score66%
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Narayana Engineering CollegeJawaharlal Nehru Technological University
2010-2014 Score66%
Profile Snapshot
Nellore is based out of Bangalore & has studied CS-Computer Science, Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Year 2010-2014 in NEC-Narayana Engineering College, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University.
Nellore Suresh is Skilled in SQL Server, Core Java, Selenium and other talents.