Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Work Experience
UI Developer
Jupiteron Technologies LLP
Full Time Jul-2012 To present 12 years 8 months
  • Worked in a team, Involved in developing the UI, layout and front-end programming (HTML) for web applications.
    Excellent Coordination in project activities and ensure that all project phases are followed and documented properly.
    Designed the front-end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML, CSS.
    Improved user experience by designing and creating new web components and features.
    Handling cross browser/platform compatibility issues (IE, Firefox, and Chrome) on both Windows.
    Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, deploying and printing.
    Responsible for Design and development of Web pages using PHP, HTML and CSS.
    Developed UI using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Jquery validations .
    Developed cross-browser pages using CSS, HTML and JavaScript
  • Done many responsive website design
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Profile Snapshot
Suresh is based out of Bangalore & has studied CE-Computer Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2007-2011 in MEC-Maharaja Engineering College, Anna University.
Suresh Manisekaran is Skilled in HTML5, CSS, HTML and other talents.