Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Quality Assurance, Hydraulic Engineer, Manufacturing
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Specialist- Mechanical Industries experiences in various field, Specially Machine Development- Jig and Fixture Development, Test Rig and Testing Equipments,Production, Fabrication, Operations & Maintenance, Commissioning and Installation, QA/QC, Planning, Site Handling, Shutdown, Documentations, Technical Problems short out, Project Execution..etc
have done many projects for Indian Air Force, HAL & Private Sector also like i.e. (Tata Motor, MSIL, Mahindra and Mahindra,etc
Work Experience
Sr. Project Engineer
Full Time Jan-2016 To present 9 years 2 months
  • Fully Project Handle with Quality Head of the department- GHE & GSE equipment’s as per customers order. Our Main Clients is HAL, IAF, Navy, and DRDO & Private Sector. My Role & Responsibilities similar as previous company Neometrix Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
  • Many project successfully done for IAF, HAL, DRDO, Navy etc, Coordination and Ability to handle multiple tasks abilities, Excellent time management skills that help fulfill obligations without delays, Capability of communicating, suggesting, negotiating and explaining proficiently, Possess excellent monitoring and supervisory skills. many project successfuly done.
Plant Engineer
TeJ Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Noida
Part Time Mar-2015 To Dec-2015 9 months
  • Plant Head- Routine check-up of the plant, Inspection of the all activities in the Plant, Planning, Machine Development Hydraulic and Pneumatic, Fixture development, Plant Maintenance, Fabrication, Hydro & Pneumatic Testing, Leakage testing, Mechanical Clearance Inspection, Quality Inspection, Equipment’s Testing, Preparation QA/QC Documentation & Submission, Inspection of all safety and Technical terms. Certification of CNG Cylinder & Equipment’s. All types of Cylinder Hydro & Leakages Testing(Make: EKC,JFC,RAMA,SHPCL,MSK,LIZER,NITIE,NZS)
  • Learned New Things
Sr. Project Engineer
Neometrix Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Full Time Jun-2012 To Apr-2015 2 years 10 months
  • Hydraulic and Pneumatic test rig Execution, Designing, engineering calculation, Fabrication, Production, Testing, Commissioning & Installation, Services & Maintenance, Lead a team and manage the Project, expertise in Hydraulic and Pneumatic-Design (BOM, Circuit, and layout, Quality, Item selection, Pressure Instrument), Taking Quotation for selected Items, and making costing of Project after negotiation, Help Purchase Deportment in procurement. Providing support for all phases of the project, coordinating Junior Engineers and purchase deportment for material, and equipment, and work proceeds on schedule.
  • Many project successfully done for IAF, HAL, DRDO, & other private sectors also, Coordination and Ability to handle multiple tasks abilities, Excellent time management skills that help fulfill obligations without delays, Capability of communicating, suggesting, negotiating and explaining proficiently, Possess excellent monitoring and supervisory skills.
Project Engineer
Deepali Enterprises
Full Time Jun-2011 To Apr-2012 10 months
  • Whole project handle- Inspection of piping, sprinkler & Component according to as per drawings, Material Inspection Stage-wise Fit up Inspection, Welding Inspection before welding, during welding and after welding, Quality Inspection, Mechanical Clearance, Painting, Fire Fighting Equipment Commissioning & Installation, Hydro Testing, Services and Maintenance, Conduct inspection of raw material, bought out items and review of Materials Test Certificates (MTC) and the specification requirements, Technical meeting with Client and Preparation Reports activities, Reporting the all daily activities to Project Manager of the company.
  • Many Project Successfuly done.
Other, Other
2016-2019 Score30%
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Dr V R K College of Engineering and TechnologyJawaharlal Nehru Technological University
2007-2011 Score72%
Profile Snapshot
Shahnawaz is based out of Navi Mumbai & has studied Other, Other from Year 2016-2019 in Other, Other.
Shahnawaz Alam is Skilled in Quality Assurance, Hydraulic Engineer, Manufacturing and other talents.