Shahin Gaziyev
Instrumentation Technician
Baku, Baki, Azerbaijan - Automation Testing, Computer Knowledge
Shahin is based out of Baku & has studied EIC-Electronics and Instrumentation Control Engineering, Bsc Mathematics- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Year 2002-2006 in Other, Azerbaijan University.
Shahin Gaziyev is Skilled in Automation Testing, Computer Knowledge, Instrumentation and Control Engineering and other talents.
Socar Polymer
Full Time
Sep-2016 To present
(8 years 6 months)
Caspian investment and Development Corporation
Full Time
Jul-2011 To Aug-2016
(5 years 1 month)
Full Time
Feb-2008 To Jun-2011
(3 years 4 months)
OtherAzerbaijan University
| Score 80%