Samhita is based out of Hyderabad & has studied IT-Information Technology, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2016-2020 in SNIST-Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.
Samhita Argula is Skilled in Wordpress, Core Java, DBMS and other talents.
Worked in a team on a vehicle recognition project. Tasks included data preprocessing with image annotations, setting up and working with a virtual environment and basic working with Tensorflow.
City Manager - Ed Support Programme
Make a Difference
Part TimeJun-2019 To present5 years 9 months
Started with MAD in a basic teaching role as an Academic Support Volunteer. Joined City Team and responsibilities include looking over city wide operations, managing a volunteer base of over 200 and organization pitching.
Campus Leader
InternshipsJul-2018 To Sep-20182 months
Web Development Intern
ImbueDesk Educational Networking Solutions
InternshipsMay-2018 To Jun-20181 month
Worked with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and used Bootstrap to learn full stack development. Developed a portfolio website as end project.
Content Developer
ZO3 Tech
InternshipsMay-2018 To Dec-20187 months
Wrote posts on various technological topics, which touched popular technologies trending today like Machine Learning, IoT, Blockchain etc., and developed SEO for my own posts.
Content Writer
Its YourSpace
InternshipsJan-2018 To May-20184 months
As content writing intern, I wrote articles about various topics in different genres and published them on the website.
Campus Ambassador
Child Awareness Project
InternshipsAug-2017 To Sep-20181 year 1 month
As Campus Ambassador, I conducted campaigns in my college about child rights and sold bookmarks to spread awareness about child abuse. Also, I promoted other CAP campaigns in my college and also virtually, for the course of one year.
Samhita is based out of Hyderabad & has studied IT-Information Technology, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2016-2020 in SNIST-Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.
Samhita Argula is Skilled in Wordpress, Core Java, DBMS and other talents.