Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Computer Knowledge, JDBC, C Language
I am a dedicated person. I enjoy reading, and the knowledge and perspective that my reading gives me has strengthened my teaching skills and presentation abilities. I have been successful at raising my abilities, and I attribute this success to my ability to plan, schedule, and handle many different tasks at once. This flexibility will help me in the office, where there are many different personalities, working and learning styles.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Sofocle Technologies
Full Time Apr-2019 To present 5 years 11 months
  • Working on real life projects of clients and in-house product. Creating restful api for problems and consuming it Angular, ReactJS like frontend Application.
Salesforce Developer
Full Time Jul-2018 To Apr-2019 9 months
  • Making rest api, visual force page, trigger and SOQL query to solve client's problem using Salesforce Apex language and Javascript.
» 6 Projects
Master in Computer Application
Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Information TechnologyGuru Govind Singh Indraprasth University
Top 10 in Class.
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Secured 5000 Rank at

Profile Snapshot
Sahil is based out of Noida & has studied Computer Application, MCA-Master in Computer Application from Year 2015-2018 in BCIIT-Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Information Technology, Guru Govind Singh Indraprasth University.
Sahil Bharti is Skilled in Computer Knowledge, JDBC, C Language and other talents.