Thrissur, Kerala, India
Facebook, Video Games, Presentation Skills
A tactical, strategic and proactive individual who has developed excellent time managing and communication skills as an individual and team leader in National Service Scheme(NSS). I am also an individual who constantly thrives on challenges, and is an individual who would put in extra effort and motivate myself to ensure that all challenges and targets are met. Have been in various cultures and therefore capable and adapt into different environments and the ability to identify opportunities.
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
METs School of EngineeringUniversity of Calicut
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Android rooting and flashing. Visiting developing sites. Watching Hollywood Films. Sports Football Cricket Gadgets and technology Online Shopping Gaming Chatting

Profile Snapshot
Roshan is based out of Thrissur & has studied CE-Computer Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2011-2015 in METSE-METs School of Engineering, University of Calicut.
Roshan Joseph K is Skilled in Facebook, Video Games, Presentation Skills and other talents.