G.Rahul Pavan Kumar
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India - English Language, Communication Skills, HR Recruitment
G.Rahul is based out of Ghaziabad & has studied English Literature, M.A-Master of Arts from Year 2012-2014 in ANUCDE-Acharya Nagarjuna University Center for Distance Education, ANUCDE-Acharya Nagarjuna University Center for Distance Education.
G.Rahul Pavan Kumar is Skilled in English Language, Communication Skills, HR Recruitment and other talents.
VKR,VNB &AGK College of ENg and Tech
Full Time
Jan-2015 To present
(10 years 2 months)
Apna Mart Private Limited,Vijayavada
Full Time
Apr-2014 To Oct-2014
(6 months)
» 1 Project
Student at NPGC-Nova Post Graduation College
Apr-2012 to May-2012
My Project is purely based on various recruitment techniques and how to recruite the staff perfectly.
Acharya Nagarjuna University Center for Distance EducationANUCDE-Acharya Nagarjuna University Center for Distance Education
| Score 60%
Nova Post Graduation CollegeJawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinanda
| Score 72%
I got first prize in two activities ie..seminar and debate competetion
- I read two books 1.Ramayana 2.How to win Friends
- I am very much interested in Running Race
- I am a good dancer