Delhi, Delhi, India
Work Experience
Sales Support Engineer
Sibca Electronics
Full Time Jul-2011 To Jul-2014 3 years
  • • Develop design drawings according to the given specification with minimum supervision.

    • Interpret client’s needs and draft practical and aesthetic designs conducive to intended purpose while making sure it is within their expected budget.

    • Knowledgeable of latest design trends with capability to incorporate it to drawing plans.

    • Handle the design process in liaison with consultants from concept design stage, schematic and detailed design up to the tender document stage.

    • Preparation of Compliance Statement, Bill of Material, Input/output List, Sequence of Operation, System Description, Valve Selection Schedule, VAV Selection Chart, etc.,

    • Preparation of Electrical Load Calculations – Circuit Breaker & Bus-Bar for the Motors starters for the HVAC Control Panels.
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Travancore Engineering CollegeUniversity of Kerala
Profile Snapshot
Princy is based out of Delhi & has studied ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2006-2010 in TEC-Travancore Engineering College, University of Kerala.
Princy Mariam George is Skilled in Aptitude