Pune, Maharashtra, India
Servlets, Object Oriented Programming, Core Java
1 I am of proactive nature
2 Extremely organized and Quick learner
3 Always try to improve myself
4 Motivated by challenges
5 Ability to stick to the task until it gets completed.
Work Experience
Persistent System Limited, Pune
Internships Jan-2014 To present 11 years 2 months
  • -Proactive participation in team meetings and weekly sync up calls.
    - Worked as UI as well as Backend developer for carrying out Externalization activities.
    -Understood the architecture of application and quickly started working on project.
  • 5th Rank Runner in MIni Marathon(6km) held in Company.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Sports

  • Melody Songs

  • Cricket

  • Table Tennis

Profile Snapshot
Pramod is based out of Pune & has studied CE-Computer Engineering, B.Sc-Bachelor of Science from Year 2008-2011 in ACACS-Abhinav College of Arts Commerce and Science, University of Mumbai.
Pramod Nishane is Skilled in Servlets, Object Oriented Programming, Core Java and other talents.