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Pradeep S

  • Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • HTML, C Language, CSS
Profile Snapshot
Pradeep is based out of Hyderabad & has studied Computer Application, MCA-Master in Computer Application from Year 2009-2012 in APGC-Aurora PG College, Osmania University.
Pradeep S is Skilled in HTML, C Language, CSS and other talents.
Being a MCA graduated focused to all technologies and can assure to work on all technologies,Dedicated and workaholic are my strengths .
willing to relocate and work on rotational shifts.
Work Experience
Software trainee
Acliff Technologies
Internships Apr-2012 To Jun-2012 (2 months)
  • completed work in given time
  • designer,tester

» 1 Project

automation of civil court system
Master in Computer Application
Aurora PG CollegeOsmania University
Class Representative in my post graduation,participated in all events conducted in our college
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • three mistakes of my life
  • browsing
  • listening songs
  • about earth
  • if any heart patients saw my dance what will happen?
  • interested in foot ball and i used to be goal keeper in school
  • interested in dance and singing but a little Question