Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Administration, HR Human Resources
I am Ex-Defence person, with 24 years of experience from different Indian and Multy National companies in HR, IR, Administration, Security, Liaison etc. Out of these 24 years, 10 years of experience from Steel Industry e.g. M/s Raymonds Steel / ThyseenKrupp in Administration. During Raymonds I had Directly reported to Works Director and during ThyssenKrupp directly reported to German MD on Administrative matter.

Thereafter recently left M/s Hindusthan National Glass Industries Limit
Work Experience
HR IR Administration,Security,CSR,Liaison etc
Everest industries Limited
Full Time Aug-2009 To Feb-2014 4 years 6 months
  • Was responsible for HR,IR,Administration,Security,CSR,LIaison etc activities of the 800++ employees company.Handled strik for 16 months and No loss to company.Company was running with staff and Contract employees. etc.Got signed record break LTS with Trade Union ,
  • 1)Record Break LTS with Trade Union2)Handled strike without loss to company 3)Removed all Not Wanted workmen 4)No more problem to company from Trade Union for at least next 6 years, etc
Master in Personnel Management
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Depends on the surroundings.

Profile Snapshot
Pradeep is based out of Nashik & has studied PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, MPM-Master in Personnel Management from Year 1988-1990 in MVPSIMRT-Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj Institute Of Management Research And Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Pradeep Deshpande is Skilled in Administration, HR Human Resources, Government Liaision