Pagare Pavan Rajendra
Intend To Secure Job Where I Can Utilize My Skills Effectively And Make Positive Contribution Towards Organization Goal.
Nashik, Maharashtra, India - Operations Management, Inventory Management
Pagare is based out of Nashik & has studied HR-Human Resources, MBA-Master of Business Administration from Year 2017-2019 in KRSCMS-K R Sapkal College of Management Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Pagare Pavan Rajendra is Skilled in Operations Management, Inventory Management, Lean Manufacturing and other talents.
Sunshine velvet private limited,Ankaleshwar
May-2018 To Aug-2018
(3 months)
» 1 Project
Student at KRSCMS-K R Sapkal College of Management Studies
May-2018 to Aug-2018
I have completed this project on the following objective, Identify the optimum level on inventory which mimize the cost.
K R Sapkal College of Management StudiesSavitribai Phule Pune University