Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Total work experience of more than 31 Years out of which 19 years with Aditya Birla Group and around 12+ years with ACC. Looking after Energy and Environment function independently at ACC since 28th January 2011. I am a Certified Energy Manager from Bureau of Energy efficiency, NEBOSH certified safety professional as well as certified lead auditor for ISO 50001-2011, ISO14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018. Currently I am heading the Energy & Environment function. I have also taken care of Safety Depart
Work Experience
Senior Manager
Full Time Jan-2011 To present 14 years 2 months
  • 1. Ensure compliance of all statuary requirement related with Energy, Environment function like PAT, RPO, liaisoning with SPCB, monitoring of stack emission, ambient air etc. 2. Environment clearances, CTO approval from SPCB etc Environment management 4. Lead the development, implementation, and monitoring of Environmental programs 5. Responsible for the annual training and support the New Employee Orientation regarding the environmental and Energy. 6. Submission of all statuary reports like, monthly environment monitoring report, environmental statement, different returns etc. 7. 14. Identify, assess, evaluate, audit, recommend, monitor and assist in implementation of ENERGY CONSERVATION ACTIVITIES to reduce specific energy consumption. 8. MR for IS/ISO 50001:2011, IS/ISO 14001:2015. 9. 22. Leading cost reduction initiatives under company’s “PARVAT/UDAN” mission.
  • • Successful commissioning of Tikaria-II Green Field Project of 2 MTPA – 428 Crores (February 2022). • Installation and commissioning of Oxygen Plant having capacity of 200 Cylinders filling per day (Oct 2021). • Net working of plant toilets and installation of 70 KLD cap STP and revamping of 130 KLD colony STP. Project cost Approx. 110 Lakh – completed in August 2021 • Installation and commissioning of 600 KLD Zero liquid discharge Plant (Jan 2022)• Installation of online SOx, NOx and dust monitoring system in CPP stack. • Commissioning of online dust monitoring system in all the three Cement Mill bag filter ducts. • Commissioning of ON Line Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System • Installation of RO plants for colony and plant to provide the safe drinking water.• Installation of electromagnetic flow meter/ultrasonic flow meters and its networking for online data acquisition for water balancing.• Installed mist cooling system & avoided operation of Mechanical Cooling Tower
Senior Engineer
Hindalco Industries Limited
Full Time Feb-1992 To Jan-2011 18 years 11 months
  • Energy audit, capex study, Suggestion scheme, manpower & contract study, bugdeting of stores and spares, Inventory management
  • • Conceptualized and implemented the conversion of costly fuel oil to cheaper alternative in Baking Furnaces and cast house furnaces. saves around Rs. 510 Lac / annum. • Reduced Specific Fuel Consumption from 35 Lt/MT to 28 Lt/MT in Properzi Furnaces. saving achieved RS. 70 Lac/annum • Conceptualized and implemented the modified waste heat recovery system in Caster, Properzi and Pig ingot casting furnaces resulting a recurring saving of Rs 90 Lac/annum. • Development of new energy efficient fan for Baking furnace # 3. Saving achieved Rs. 7.79 Lac/annum. • Compressed air consumption is reduced from 7000 cfm to 5000 cfm in Alumina Precipitation area by studying and implementing new operational method resulted a saving of Rs.51.78 Lac/annum.
Master of Business Administration
Suharti University, Suharti University, meerut
2011-2014 Score30%
Diploma In Mechanical and Production, Production
Lucknow Polytechnic LucknowBoard of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • • Playing Bridge

  • • Viewing news channels

  • • Playing Badminton

  • • Internet surfing for new development in the field of environment & Energy

Profile Snapshot
Ram is based out of Lucknow & has studied HR and Operations, MBA-Master of Business Administration from Year 2011-2014 in Suharti University, Suharti University, meerut.
Ram Yagya Pathak is Skilled in Aptitude