Arava is based out of Kakinada & has studied Computer Application, Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Year 2011-2014 in ADC-Aditya Degree College, Andhra University.
Arava Naveen Kumar is Skilled in Aptitude, Adobe Photoshop, DBMS and other talents.
This is very interesting project not for only who love cricket for also who love to watch this game because thousand of us want to play this game but some time it is not possible because of this busy life, lack of ground etc.
Now day’s wireless control of appliance is in practice, because of its advantage like no wire is needed, multiple controlling is less complicated. By considering these all, the innovative group Dreamlover Technology designed and verified the circuit of wireless Doorbell. The controlling range of wireless doorbell is 100M.
Arava is based out of Kakinada & has studied Computer Application, Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Year 2011-2014 in ADC-Aditya Degree College, Andhra University.
Arava Naveen Kumar is Skilled in Aptitude, Adobe Photoshop, DBMS and other talents.