Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
MS Excel, VBA Macro
MIS Executive with 5 Years Experience in VBA & Advanced Excel Currently Working in Vijayawada.
Well know about MIS Reporting with VBA
Good in Advanced Excel Formulas like Sumifs, Countifs, V-Lookup, Index, Matches, Text Formula, Data validation, Conditional Formating, Pivot Tables etc.
Good knowledge about Macros (VBA) Programming
Work Experience
MIS Officer
Back Office/Back-End Mumbai
Full Time Feb-2019 To present 6 years 2 months
  • ? Preparing Daily, Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly Plant Dispatches Reports.
    ? Analysis of Fleet Management (Dedicated/Market),TAT (Truck Around Time) & Transporter Performance.
    ? Preparing & Sending Month end Reports with in Timelines like Plant Performance, Fleet Management, GPS Fleet, Integration Savings, Axle Load Savings, Bench Marks, Short Fall, Asset Utilization Etc.
    ? Preparing Freight based on GPS & Google Lead & Updated in Karomi Site.
    ? Analysis of Wtd Avg Freight & Lead in District, Depo wise & State wise
    ? Maintance of Vendor Collaboration for Transporters
    ? Analysis of Gradewise (OPC,PPC) in Mode of Transportation (Rail & Road Side)
    ? Co-Ordination with Packing Plant for Packers Running in effective manner.
    ? Presenting PPT for Monthly Review Meeting.
    ? Preparing & Analysis of KRA for all Team Members in Logistics
    ? Preparing & Analysis of CSL & Delivery Compliance on Daily basis.
    ? Analysis of OET, Target Vs Ach, Base Vs Ach, Budget Vs Ach
    ? Focus on Lead & Fre
MIS Executive with 4 Years Experience in VBA & Advanced Excel
Full Time Dec-2014 To Jan-2019 4 years 1 month
  • Roles And Responsibilities

    ? Creating the automated templates as per process requirement with VBA.
    ? Preparing Daily, Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly Primary & Secondary Sales Reports.
    ? Interaction with the HO and providing the customized dashboards based on requirement.
    ? Participating in Knowledge transfer programs of team.
    ? Collecting requirements and data from management team, and analysing data and pulling key points and making effective dashboards with different slabs, for instant decision making of management team.
    ? Preparing ASM’s Daily Store Visit Report.
    ? Preparing Incentive Tracker against to BM, ASM’s & RSO’s on Daily Primary Sales.
    ? Preparing frequently reports which are came from HO,RM,BM,RCM,BCM,ASM & RSO’s Mails.
    ? Preparing Achievement Report against to TP’s who taken Additional Support Schemes.
    ? Attend the CON-Call with Entire Whirlpool Team regarding Updation of Sales Reports
    ? Daily Co-ordinate with ASM’s & RSO’s Team regarding competition sales in th
» 1 Project
Master of Business Administration, Finance
2017-2019 Score65%
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Amrita Sai Institute of Science and TechnologyJawaharlal Nehru Technological University
2010-2014 Score74%
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Watching News

  • Reading Books

Profile Snapshot
Nagadurgarao is based out of Vijayawada & has studied Finance, MBA-Master of Business Administration from Year 2017-2019 in ANUCDE-Acharya Nagarjuna University Center for Distance Education, Acharya Nagarjuna University.
Nagadurgarao Koradala is Skilled in MS Excel, VBA Macro, MS Word