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Mohan Yashwant Pawar

  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Software Development, Core Java, Doctor
Profile Snapshot
Mohan is based out of Mumbai & has studied CE-Computer Engineering, from Year 2013-2015 in VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology, VIT University.
Mohan Yashwant Pawar is Skilled in Software Development, Core Java, Doctor and other talents.
I love Open-Source.
Work Experience
Software Developement
Rubies Origin System
Internships Jan-2013 To Apr-2013 (3 months)
Computer Engineering
2013-2015 | Score 80%


Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
2008-2012 | Score 64%
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Secured 2rd Rank in National Level PPT on “Cloud Computing”.