Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Production, English Language, Autocad
I desire to work for a leading-edge company where I can noticeably contribute to the organization’s growth. The position should lead to Recognized for ability to build relationships with key personnel and Exceptional learner with skills to motivate peak individual performance from team members while driving sustained forward growth momentum.
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Sphoorthy Engineering CollegeJawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • playing volley ball

  • volley ball

  • cricket

  • playing cricket

  • cricket

  • volley ball

Profile Snapshot
Maddela is based out of Hyderabad & has studied ME-Mechanical Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2009-2013 in SEC-Sphoorthy Engineering College, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.
Maddela Sunil is Skilled in Production, English Language, Autocad and other talents.