Pune, Maharashtra, India
Operations Management, Aptitude
I have good communication skills and presentation skills. I'm flexible and can adopt to change in environment at faster rate and I'm a Bibliophile. I like to interact with different types of people and I am Diplomatic in nature.
Master of Business Administration, Operations
Sinhgad Institute of ManagementSavitribai Phule Pune University
2016-2018 Score67%
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
2012-2016 Score60%
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Volleyball

  • Badminton

  • Bibliophile

Profile Snapshot
Lokesh is based out of Pune & has studied Operations, MBA-Master of Business Administration from Year 2016-2018 in SIM-Sinhgad Institute of Management, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Lokesh Lodha is Skilled in Operations Management, Aptitude, Communication Skills