Krish Doshi
Nashik, Maharashtra, India - Painting, Cricket, Android
Krish is based out of Nashik & has studied IT-Information Technology, ADIT-Advanced Diploma in IT from Year 2015-2017 in SP-Sandip Polytechnic, PUNE UNIVERSITY.
Krish Doshi is Skilled in Painting, Cricket, Android and other talents.
hello, am 19 years old. Right now am doing my diploma in IT and gonna be graduate in 2017. I like sports,painting..etc. I know a little about android Development. I like to go on adventures something like trekking. My dream was to become an Successful IT engineer and also to travel around the world.
IT Software- Application Programming, Maintenance
jaro education
Full Time
Aug-2019 To present
(5 years 7 months)
» 1 Project
Student at SP-Sandip Polytechnic
Dec-2017 to present
its about the people in the public complaining about the potholes on the road, water drainage and garbage waste on the road to their respective department by an android app..this would make it easy for the people and the department to know where is the problem in their area and they could resolve it quickly.
Sandip PolytechnicPUNE UNIVERSITY