Chandralok Kumar
Software Engineer
Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India - Core Java, Eclipse, Bootstrap
Chandralok is based out of Dhanbad & has studied Computer Application, MCA-Master in Computer Application from Year 2015-2018 in NIT-Jamshedpur-National Institute of Technology, National Institute of Technology.
Chandralok Kumar is Skilled in Core Java, Eclipse, Bootstrap and other talents.
Intellect Design Arena Ltd.
Jan-2018 To Jun-2018
(5 months)
» 1 Project
Stipendiary General Trainnee at Intellect Design Arena Ltd.
Jan-2018 to Jun-2018
NIT-Jamshedpur-National Institute of TechnologyNational Institute of Technology
Sahibganj CollegeSido Kanhu Murmu University
| Score 74%