Chayan is based out of Agartala & has studied Rural Development, M.A-Master of Arts from Year 2009-2011 in TU-Tripura University, Tripura University.
Chayan Deb is Skilled in Aptitude, English Language, Rural Development
I am a first Class Master Degree Holder in Rural Management & Development followed by B.Com (H) with about 7 years + work experience in various development fields.
Career Aim
I am a first Class Master Degree Holder in Rural Management & Development followed by B.Com (H) with about 7 years + work experience in various development fields.
Planning, Desk Review and Analysis, Capacity Development, In House Coordination and liaison with Medical College, District and other Department, Documentation, Supportive Supervision
Research Fellow
Collage of Fisheries
Full TimeAug-2015 To Dec-20154 months
1. Questionnaire Preparation, 2. Excel sheet of Data entry preparation, 3. Data Collection, 4. Data Entry, 5. Analysis & Report writing
Master Trainer cum District Supervisor
Annual Status of Education Report (A.S.E.R.) – 2014
Part TimeJul-2014 To Oct-20143 months
1. Training of volunteers who collects the primary data. 2. Supervise the Program in South & Gomati District.
Research Assistant
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Part TimeJan-2014 To Apr-20143 months
Collecting the primary data
Master Trainer cum District Supervisor
Annual Status of Education Report (A.S.E.R.) – 2013
Part TimeOct-2013 To Jan-20143 months
Training of volunteers who collects the primary data and Supervise the Program in South & Gomati District of Tripura
Project Manager
Organization for Rural Survival (O.R.S.), Belonia.
Full TimeAug-2013 To Aug-20152 years
Planning, Desk Review and Analysis, Capacity Development, In House Coordination and liaison with Allied Departments, Documentation, Supportive Supervision & overall management of Project.
Research-cum-Training Coordinator
Bolpur Manav Prem o Seva Sanstha
Full TimeNov-2012 To Aug-20139 months
1. Evaluation of Tribal Festival in Tripura conducted by Tribal Research Institute sponsored by National Institute of Rural Development. 2. Evaluation of Tribal Extension Visit, conducted by Tribal Research Institute sponsored by National Institute of Rural Development. 3. State level Coordination of Training under Integrated Watershed Management Program. 4. Research on Food habit of Tripura Tribe Community, sponsored by Tribal Research Institute. 5. Participatory Rural Appraisal done in four (4) villages, conducted by North East Rural Livelihood Promotion Program (NERLP).
Interpreter cum Survey Guide
Wageningen University of Netherlands & State Agriculture Department.
Full TimeAug-2012 To Nov-20123 months
1. Language interpretation 2. Facilitating in data collection 3. Facilitating in report writing
Training Coordinator
Full TimeAug-2011 To Jul-201211 months
Coordinating training programs for livelihood development of Rural People under Indu German Development Cooperation
Here I am working as a Research Fellow, my responsibilities are Questionnaire Preparation, Excel sheet of Data entry preparation, Data Collection, Data Entry, Analysis & Report writing.
Research Assistant at Indian Council of Social Science Research
Jan-2014 to Mar-2014
Its a Research Project during my days at Organization for Rural Survival I worked in this project part timely as a Research Assistant under guidance of mam Sanghamitra Sarkar, Asst Professor of Surendranath Collage for Women.
Project Manager at Organization for Rural Survival (O.R.S.), Belonia.
Aug-2013 to Jul-2015
I worked here as a Project Manager, I was the first Project Manager of that project and started in a very positive way, now also running the project very smoothly. Still miss that work but was bound that time to left the work as my father was very ill that time.
Interpreter cum Survey Guide at Wageningen University of Netherlands & State Agriculture Department.
Aug-2012 to Oct-2012
Its a Research Project on S.R.I. process by Wageningen University of Netherlands & State Agriculture Department. I worked as an Interpreter cum Survey Guide, here my responsibilities were: Language interpretation Facilitating in data collection Facilitating in report writing