Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Ajax, PHP, Software Engineering
To secure a challenging position to utilize my skills and abilities in software industry that offers professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and flexible.
Work Experience
Orcale D2k Trainee
Internships Oct-2013 To present 11 years 5 months
  • Creation of Oracle Forms And Reports using PL/SQL triggers , functions , procedures and SQL and designing the database according to the normalization standards and querying the database.
  • Created a Management System to make Transaction between Customers
    And supplier controlled by an Employee and where each can manage their own
    Account and do their personalized operation like making transaction, paying previous
    Payments ordering, and finding the Product and their prices etc...
» 1 Project
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
First Class In Degree
Extra-Curricular Interests

  • Football

  • Surfing and Online Learning

Profile Snapshot
B.Dinesh is based out of Chennai & has studied IT-Information Technology, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2009-2013 in SREC-Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Anna University.
B.Dinesh Kumar is Skilled in Ajax, PHP, Software Engineering and other talents.