Pune, Maharashtra, India
Design of Machine Parts, Mechanical Engineering, Aptitude
looking for job in mechanical product design
Work Experience
vehicle testing engineer
VE Commercial vehicle ltd
Full Time May-2017 To present 7 years 10 months

  • ? Technical servicing support, maintenance & repair of automobile equipment
    ? Providing after sales service and technical support to all customers , customer channels under command area
    ? Can maintain the necessary record and submit reports as specified by organization.
    ? Ensuring all repairs and maintenance is completed in accordance with manufacturer
    ? Can improve the service level, performance and productivity
    ? Maintenance of accurate service spares inventory
» 1 Project
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, Science
2011-2015 Score61%
gate qualified 2016
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • 1. Paper presentation on STUDY OF SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM in NCOAT-NIRMITI ( national level conference).

  • 2. Participated in one day seminar organized by “ NPTI”.

  • 3. Valid GATE 2016 score.

Profile Snapshot
Babban is based out of Pune & has studied Science, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2011-2015 in PIET-Priyadarshini Institute of of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur University.
Babban Kumar is Skilled in Design of Machine Parts, Mechanical Engineering, Aptitude and other talents.