Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Consumer Electronics, Hardware Support, Cloud Computing
an optimistic girl with visionary approach
Work Experience
cloud engineer
Full Time Apr-2017 To Apr-2018 1 year
client technical associate
Dell technologies
Full Time Apr-2016 To Oct-2016 6 months
  • to resolve the queries of the cx over the remote session
it engineer
country first
Full Time Aug-2013 To Sep-2015 2 years 1 month
  • to take care of the hardware as well as software issues of the computer
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Naraina College of Engineering and TechnologyGautam Buddha Technical University
Profile Snapshot
Ayushi is based out of Bangalore & has studied ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2011-2015 in NCET-Naraina College of Engineering and Technology, Gautam Buddha Technical University.
Ayushi Kulshreshtha is Skilled in Consumer Electronics, Hardware Support, Cloud Computing and other talents.