Anendra Potawad
Ui/Ux Designer
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - Aptitude, Acting, Film Direction
Anendra is based out of Mumbai & has studied Mechanic (Engine), BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2014-2018 in RGIT-Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Visvesvaraya Technological University.
Anendra Potawad is Skilled in Aptitude, Acting, Film Direction and other talents.
Instangles Labs
Full Time
Mar-2019 To present
(6 years )
Codalyze Technologies
Nov-2018 To Mar-2019
(4 months)
Mukhavte ACJN
Part Time
Feb-2018 To Jan-2019
(11 months)
» 1 Project
Student at RGIT-Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
May-2017 to present
we are performing numerical and analytical calculations and going to compare the results with actual prototype
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of TechnologyVisvesvaraya Technological University
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