Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Aptitude, Six Sigma, Asset Management
Helpful and have patience for any thing.
Work Experience
Sr. Analyst IT Operation
Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd.
Full Time Jun-2009 To present 15 years 9 months
  • Take care of IT Infrastructure at site, Give onsite support to end user, Do Asset management, Do It procurement, Take part of any kind of audit from IT prospective.
  • Good relation ship with end user and Got score 9 out of 10 in end user IT survey.
Master of Business Administration
ICFAI UniversityICFAI University
Profile Snapshot
Anand is based out of Bangalore & has studied Molecular Biology and Genetics, MBA-Master of Business Administration from Year 2009-2016 in ICFAI-ICFAI University, ICFAI University.
Anand Kishore Prasad is Skilled in Aptitude, Six Sigma, Asset Management and other talents.