Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Client Service, Customer Experience, Business Development
A Management Post Graduate with 6+ years of experience. Specialized in Customer Success, Business Development, Key Account Management, Team Management and Revenue Management
Work Experience
Product Specialist
Full Time Aug-2018 To present 6 years 7 months
  • Complete knowledge of the HRMS - Understand client’s functional requirements and configure product for their needs. - Recommend best people practices aligned to client business needs. - Independently handle complete implementation process in coordination with the client teams to ensure successful ‘go-live’(at customer site if required). - Ensure maximum usage of the platform mapped to business needs. - Handle customer queries on products and services. - Resolve product or service problems by clarifying the customer's complaint; determining the cause of the problem; selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the problem; expediting correction or adjustment; following up to ensure resolution. - Have Product experience and ability to recommend enhancements to the existing product. - Liaison with the Tech and Quality team to ensure the development of proposed new builds for the clients and the bug fixes. - Knowledge of Zoho and JIRA for bugs reporting and follow up on fixes
Senior Manager
Full Time Aug-2015 To Mar-2018 2 years 7 months
  • - Work on the Learning Product (launched 3 years back) and analyze ways to drive its growth and generate revenue. - Gather, analyze and distribute intelligence on products, competitors and customer behavior across different platforms like Desktop, Mobile Web and App, to drive product and business decision-making. - Publish weekly/daily dashboard, conducting meetings on weekly basis on inputs/outputs/progress/challenges for projects/campaigns. - Responsible for training new joiners in the team on account management process, CRM, tools, goals etc. - Working with cross functional team (Payments/product quality teams/design team/operations team) to get query/escalation resolved.
  • <1>Achieved 100% individual target in all quarters in 2017 <2> Promoted as Team Head (Pan India) in April 2017.
Master of Business Administration, Marketing
2010-2012 Score84%
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • <1>2nd Position inter-school Street Theatre Competition with participation from 15 schools in 2005 <2> Acted in 3 stage plays for inter-school competitions

  • 2004-05.

Profile Snapshot
Aayushi is based out of Bangalore & has studied Marketing, MBA-Master of Business Administration from Year 2010-2012 in IIPM-Indian Institute of Planning and Management, Other.
Aayushi Gupta is Skilled in Client Service, Customer Experience, Business Development and other talents.