Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Work Experience
Production manager
Satya infra promoters pvt Ltd
Full Time Jul-2018 To present 6 years 8 months
  • Management of manpower, optimisation of material and workforce, increasing the production efficiency of led down light
Research and development engineer
Midas electronics pvt ltd
Full Time Nov-2017 To Jun-2018 7 months
  • Development of led light, intial quality check of raw material, continuously developing the light
Atm service engineer
Ncr corporation
Full Time Aug-2016 To Nov-2017 1 year 3 months
  • Installation of new Atm machines, troubleshooting the old atm machine
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
2013-2016 Score60%
Diploma in Electronics and Communication
Lucknow Polytechnic LucknowBoard of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh
2010-2013 Score77%
Profile Snapshot
Vipin is based out of Lucknow & has studied ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2013-2016 in SRMCEM-Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management, Uttar Pradesh Technical University.
Vipin Kumar is Skilled in Aptitude