Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Civil Engineering, Autocad, Staad Pro
Work Experience
Jr Engineer
Full Time Oct-2016 To present 8 years 5 months
  • Execution Of Building, Canal, Power house, Fore bay, Tail pond and Stop log gates and Preparing monthly subcontractor bills and providing technical help for the site supervisors.
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
VSM College of EngineeringJawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada
Profile Snapshot
Ravi is based out of Kakinada & has studied CE-Civil Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2013-2016 in VSMCE-VSM College of Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada .
Ravi Kumar is Skilled in Civil Engineering, Autocad, Staad Pro and other talents.