Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Teaching, Communication Skills, Computer Programmer
I am passionate about dancing and teaching. I have good communication skills and enjoy interacting with people. I have a flair for languages and enjoy traveling.
Work Experience
Assistant Professor
Holy Cross College, Trichy
Full Time Jun-2012 To Apr-2014 1 year 10 months
  • Class teacher
  • Organised National conference and many association activities
Master of Science, Physics
2004-2006 Score70%
Was a Japanese Government scholar (MEXT) and stayed in Japan for about 4 years studying Ph.D.
Extra-Curricular Interests
  • Dance

  • music and ikebana

Profile Snapshot
Chandreyee is based out of Kolkata & has studied Physics, M.Sc-Master of Science from Year 2004-2006 in BCTKIT-Bipin Chandra Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand Technical University.
Chandreyee Ganguli is Skilled in Teaching, Communication Skills, Computer Programmer and other talents.