Mokokchung, Nagaland, India
Green Energy, Cell, English Language
Work Experience
Field monitor in CDSA-CNNS
Full Time Dec-2016 To Apr-2017 4 months
    Field-based staff and serve as the primary for SRL agency to conduct the quality concurrent
    monitoring activities for allocated state and zone.
    • Conducting site visits at allocated PSUs and collection centre (CC) to monitor the subject’ssample collection/shipment/processing and packaging for dispatch to SRL throughconcurrent monitoring
    • Complete appropriate training on study plans, SOPs, nutritional survey protocol to performconcurrent monitoring
    • Monitoring and reporting of following activities at household level
    ? Interview subject/parents and SRL field staff regarding informed consent process
    ? Monitor that process of sample being collected as per protocol/SOPs
    ? Biological sample being collected for the right subjects.
    ? Monitor for any safety concerns during the sample collection process
    ? Complete and accurate labelling and completion of forms related to samplecollection and transport to collection centre
health investigator in National Family Health Survey-4
Full Time Jan-2016 To Aug-2016 7 months
  • Carry out Anthropometric tests, Blood Pressure measurements, Hb tests, Blood glucose level test, collect Dried blood sample for HIV test
Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science
Assam Down Town UniversityPrivate University
2011-2014 Score72%
Profile Snapshot
Alemtoshi is based out of Mokokchung & has studied Environmental Science, B.Sc-Bachelor of Science from Year 2011-2014 in ADTU-Assam Down Town University, Private University.
Alemtoshi Pongen is Skilled in Green Energy, Cell Biology, English Language and other talents.