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Kurupathi Snehith

The Man With Qualities
  • Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • General Knowledge, Core Java, English Language
Profile Snapshot
Kurupathi is based out of Hyderabad & has studied CS-Computer Science, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology from Year 2015-2019 in SEC-Sphoorthy Engineering College, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.
Kurupathi Snehith is Skilled in General Knowledge, Core Java, English Language and other talents.
My name is Kurupathi Snehith. I have pursued my Btech in Sphoorthy Engineering College. To express myself i am self confident and i can speak English Hindi and Telugu fluently .I have a good command over C and Java programming languages.
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Sphoorthy Engineering CollegeJawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad