Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Project Management, Aptitude, Account Management
यूजर के बारे में
I am a software professional with over 23 years of experience in the IT industry. I am skilled in Project Management, Operations Management, Program Management, Account Management, Quality Process Management and People Management. I am also an airport domain SME as well as an embedded systems expert. Wide gamut of experience in employee recruitment support and conducting Corporate Trainings. I have over 18 years of experience in shortlisting and evaluating candidates, taking interviews.
काम का अनुभव
Independent Management Consultant
पूरा समय दिसम्बर-2013 तक वर्तमान 11 वर्षों 3 महीने
  • Project Management, Operations Management, Program Management, Account Management, Quality Process Management and People Management
Deputy General Manager
SkyTECH Solutions Pvt Ltd
पूरा समय अप्रैल-2000 तक नवम्बर-2013 13 वर्षों 7 महीने
  • Mr. Siddhartha Sarkar worked as a Deputy General Manager/Airport Vertical Head with SkyTECH Solutions Ltd, Calcutta for more than 13 years. Siddhartha was in project management, program management, account management,process management and people management roles. Siddhartha has extensive experience with design, development and maintenance of Client/Server and Web based applications on Microsoft and Java based platforms. Siddhartha has considerable hands-on experience in managing projects, client co-ordination and people management. For the last 9 years, Siddhartha had been in the role of offshore Senior Project Manager/Principal Delivery Manager, with project managers of multiple projects reporting to him.
  • 1. Customer satisfaction was at 3.5 out of 5 when I took over as Head of the SkyTECH Middleware Center of Excellence in 2007, helped ensure a customer satisfaction rating of 4.95 out of 5 for the past 2 years
    2. Increased head count and subsequent revenue by 33%
    3. Reduced Employee attrition to a minimum
Project Manager
RS Software(India) Ltd
पूरा समय जनवरी-1993 तक अप्रैल-2000 7 वर्षों 3 महीने
  • Supervised and coordinated project teams of multiple projects spanning mainframe and client-server platforms.
Master of Engineering or Technology
Jadavpur UniversityJadavpur University
1991-1993 स्कोर68%
Ranked First Class
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Jadavpur UniversityJadavpur University
1988-1991 स्कोर84%
1) Ranked First Class First with Honours
2) Won University Gold Medal
3) Won Swapan Gupta Memorial Medal
Bachelor of Science, Physics
University of CalcuttaUniversity of Calcutta
1983-1987 स्कोर57%
High Second Class
अतिरिक्त अभ्यास
  • Digital photography

  • World History

  • Reading novels

  • Reading Comics/Graphic Novels

  • Professional networking

  • Architecture

  • Listening to Music

  • Strong Anime' Buff

  • International travel

  • Reading Poetry

  • Watching Movies and TV Drama shows

प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Siddhartha Kolkata से बाहर है और ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering, ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology वर्ष 1991-1993 से JU-Jadavpur University, Jadavpur University का अध्ययन किया है।
Siddhartha Sarkar Project Management, Aptitude, Account Management और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है