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Game Of Thrones Season 5 Episodes 1-4 Leaked
Sharad Bharadva 12 अप्रैल 15   Views 215 लोगो ने देखा है  Comments 0 टिप्पणी करें 
Hey Guys, I'm a big big big fan of Game Of Thrones TV series, and was eagerly waiting for Season 5 to kick-start. But when I woke up today morning, I saw some posts on Facebook stating the GoT Season 5 Episodes 1-4 have been leaked. And I thought - it's a disaster!!

So i tried to find out how did it happen. Seems the screener episodes which were probably not the final cut, have been leaked by someone. Now that's 4 weeks spoiled sport for GoT team. Apparently, it's no fun either for the viewers in watching 4 episodes back to back and then having nothing to wait for 4 weeks. Boredom Anyhow, I dug up some links, in-case you are interested to see the episodes. I'm just sharing them here stating - I don't own these links and I actually want them to be taken down for the good of GoT!!
GoT Season 5 Episode 1
GoT Season 5 Episode 2
GoT Season 5 Episode 3
GoT Season 5 Episode 4

Watch it at your own risk. the risk being losing the fun for next 1 month.

P.S. - I haven't seen it yet

P.P.S. - I've removed the links (31-8-2015)
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