Pune, Maharashtra, India
Foundry Technology, Industrial Automation
यूजर के बारे में
i am nitesh raju chavan. i am bachelor degree student at pad. vasantdada patil institute of technology sangli, i am fresher and apart from that i am currently socially active in india's government platforms including transform maharashtra's finalist, currently selected for semifinal in a global initiative by schneider electric named go green in the city 2017. recently i have also selected for energy transition business camp 2018 held at karlshruhe Germany. currently i am looking for job opp.
काम का अनुभव
Diploma engineer trainee
पूरा समय जून-2019 तक वर्तमान 5 वर्षों 9 महीने
campus ambssador.
Cognizance IIT Roorkee
इंटर्नशिप जनवरी-2019 तक अप्रैल-2019 3 महीने
  • Creating awareness, conducting various campaigns and workshops in collaboration with entrepreneurship cell IIT ROORKEE.
    Producing social media campaigns and working as point of contact between entrepreneurs and e cell iit roorkee.
  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/13U9abL4dOPDHVbNkgUVv64c5uy7scRMx/view?usp=drivesdk
campus ambssador.
Technology Business Incubator chandigarh university's effectus 2k19
इंटर्नशिप जनवरी-2019 तक जुलाई-2019 6 महीने
  • In this internship I am instructed to act as a point of contact between entrepreneurs and technology Business Incubator. Getting registration for e summit, organising various events, Doing the advertise of (TBI) chandigarh while doing awareness.
campus ambssador.
e cell sastra university.
इंटर्नशिप दिसम्बर-2018 तक मार्च-2019 3 महीने
  • Creating awreness about enterprenuership in bachelors students while acting as a point of contact between e cell sastra university and our college. orginising events and doing its management.
  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8aNtu12v20UTVYtOTZWY2JRbVRmSGphYThobWNhTW0tVDlr/view?usp=drivesdk
Diploma engineer trainee.
mahabal auto pvt. ltd miraj MIDC
इंटर्नशिप मई-2016 तक जून-2016 1 महीना
  • Getting Quality Control training and leader of internship trainees.
  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L9aMJRpH95sgMeyHV8X4-j9y5wn4m21g/view?usp=drivesdk
» 3 परियोजनाओं
Solar Panel Installation Technician (ESSCI)
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
2017-2018 स्कोर79%
1. selected as global finalist in Energy Transition Business Camp 2018 held at karlshruhe Germany. 2. selected as semifinalist in space resources lu challange 2018. 3. succesfully done the work of event head in poster presentation event Nirmiti 2018 at pvpit sangli. 3. succesfully done the work of campus ambassador at e cell sastra university.
Diploma in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
2015-2017 स्कोर77%
1. succesfully represented our college in inter zonal cricket competation held at sandeep university nashik. 2. selected as global semifinalist in Go Green in The City 2017 held at germany. 3. successfully done the work of traffic volunteer head during maratha kranti morcha 2017. 4. selected as finalist in Transform Maharashtra 2017 held at NSCI Worli, mumbai.
अतिरिक्त अभ्यास
  • 1. selected for state level Inspire Award science exhibition held at Kolhapur during high school education. awarded best project in science exhibition at district level.

  • 4. Secured top 12 rank in go green in the city 2017 competition and a global semifinalist.

  • and participation in interzonal cricket competation held at sandeep university Nashik.

  • 2. Finalist of transform maharashtra 2017.

  • 5. Selected as finalist among world's top 10 in energy transition business camp 2018 held at karlshruhe frankfurt Germany.

  • 3. Received a 1st rank and in AutoCAD competition in 2017 in wce sangli.

  • 6. successfully represented our college in zonal cricket competition held at district level

प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Chavan Pune से बाहर है और Solar PV Installer (Suryamitra), SPIT-Solar Panel Installation Technician (ESSCI) वर्ष 2018-2019 से WCE-Walchand College of Engineering, Shivaji University का अध्ययन किया है।
Chavan Nitesh Raju Foundry Technology, Industrial Automation, Mechanical Engineering और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है