Pune, Maharashtra, India
Aptitude, PHP, Android
यूजर के बारे में
I am a final year undergraduate student studying in SGSITS,Indore currently pursuing B.E. in Information Technology. I am sincerely learning core technologies to increase my technical skills since last three years in this institute. I love to code and solve the real world problems with my skills. I also made projects in web and app development. I also worked as an web developer intern in OnlineChalo.In. You can also know more about on my personal website - https://navaldhoot.000webhostapp.com/
काम का अनुभव
Web Development Internship
इंटर्नशिप जुलाई-2017 तक सितम्बर-2017 2 महीने
  • I learn WordPress and Joomla.Has to do make a website layout.Do custom development also.
  • Work in many live projects. Get chance to learn full website development
» 5 परियोजनाओं
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and ScienceRajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya
2015-2019 स्कोर79%
अतिरिक्त अभ्यास
  • Winner of table tennis competition in school sports day

  • Member of Management Team of School Annual Function

  • Particpated in Inter-school volleyball

  • Participated in Deloitte Technoutsav 2018

  • Competition from school team

प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Naval Pune से बाहर है और IT-Information Technology, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology वर्ष 2015-2019 से SGSITS-Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya का अध्ययन किया है।
Naval Dhoot Aptitude, PHP, Android और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है