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Narasimha Murthy V R

Trainee Software Engineer
  • Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • HTML5, Web Developer, HTML
प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Narasimha Bangalore से बाहर है और CE-Computer Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology वर्ष 2010-2014 से GSSIT-G S S Institute of Technology, का अध्ययन किया है।
Narasimha Murthy V R HTML5, Web Developer, HTML और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है
यूजर के बारे में
Technically astute professional , Possess a proven ability to affect transformational change across Application Development area.
Excellence in delivering assigned Technical projects right from initiation and planning right through to deliver and implementation ensuring Project deliverables are met as per the client requirement

Strong competence in providing effective technical architecture to leverage technology in creating revenue opportunities.
काम का अनुभव
Project Trainee
पूरा समय जनवरी-2014 तक जून-2014 (5 महीने)
  • Designing and developing the module for the client according to their requirements
  • Successfully completed the project within the target time and got project completion certificate

» 4 परियोजनाओं

Online Job Portal
सितम्बर-2014 to अक्तूबर-2014
1. Collecting the needfulll information.
2. Coding and front end design using core Java and J2EE concepts.
3. Adding ample information to the Database and checking the performance.
4. Extending the features required
5. Review of project
6. Successfully implemented the project

Online Banking System
जुलाई-2014 to अगस्त-2014
1. Coding using the core Java concepts.
2. Front end design
4. Extending the features required

Packet Telemetry using RS Code, ISTRAC(ISRO), Bangalore
Student at GSSIT-G S S Institute of Technology
जनवरी-2014 to जून-2014
To facilitate the transmission of space-acquired data from source to user in a standardized highly automated manner and implementing the real time software simulator for simulating this packet telemetry using Reed-Solomon (RS) Code.

Graphics Package using OpenGl
Student at GSSIT-G S S Institute of Technology
जनवरी-2013 to जून-2013
Our project aims to develop a 2-D graphics package which supports basic operations and also transformation operations like translation, rotation.
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
2010-2014 | स्कोर 60%
Co Ordinated a National level event NNSC-2014 organised by ACM-IIT Delhi and Network bulls which was held at GSS Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
अतिरिक्त अभ्यास
  • Love to read the articles on prevention of diseases
  • Riding a byke on the national highway
  • Web browsing
  • Developing the webpages using HTML5 and CSS3
  • Programming