Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Troubleshooting, Circuit Analysis, Power Plant Design
यूजर के बारे में
I'm risk taker and timely management with positive attitude at my work.coming to my career I completed my graduation in electrical and electronic engineering (b.tech) and I did certification course CCNA routing and switching .and about my work experience I worked period of months as a computer field engineer .coming to hobbies I love playing volleyball when I get free time .
काम का अनुभव
Computer field engineer
Contract basis
इंटर्नशिप अक्तूबर-2016 तक मार्च-2017 5 महीने
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting cilent systems and printers . installation of operating system , third party application , printer drivers etc.and their maintenance
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering CollegeJawaharlal Nehru Technological University
अतिरिक्त अभ्यास
  • Cricket and volleyball

प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Jagan Hyderabad से बाहर है और EEE-Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology वर्ष 2012-2016 से NMREC-Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University का अध्ययन किया है।
Jagan Reddy Troubleshooting, Circuit Analysis, Power Plant Design और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है