Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Core Java, Computer Knowledge, HTML
यूजर के बारे में
I am very much passionate about programming, I am always up for learning something new. I want to be the very best at what I do.
काम का अनुभव
Senior Associate - Assessment Research and Quality
पूरा समय फरवरी-2016 तक जून-2017 1 साल 4 महीने
  • Mettl provides online assessments for its clients to hire as well as assess people inside an organization. My role as a Senior Associate ARQ (Assessment Research and Quality) is to assure content quality and to map client requirements as per the content present in Mettl platform.
  • - Successfully completed several small/large assessment solutions projects for hiring/internal assessments of employees for various clients of Mettl in the field of IT/Software.
    - The client list for these projects included clients such as Accenture, Sears, NIIT Tech, Fidelity, Amdocs and many more.
    - Solved several client feedback regarding Candidate code during an assessment/bugs encountered in questions to the satisfaction of clients.
    - Created assessment reports for candidates using the complex tool provided by Mettl for various clients such as Zydus, Sears, Squareinch and many more.
    - Helped with identifying and reporting of several platform related bugs on the Mettl Platform.
    - Learned account management and client management and working on multiple projects simultaneously.
    - Learned working under team where few projects were completed with several team members involved.
    - Also groomed new employees about the work done by our team on a daily basis and trained them acco
Intern Content Analyst
IT Gurgaon
इंटर्नशिप जुलाई-2015 तक वर्तमान 9 वर्षों 8 महीने
  • My role in Mettl is to prune the programming based Question Banks used for assessments in Internal testing of employees as well as for hiring purposes by our clients.
  • Successfully done pruning of 4,000+ questions across various programming skills such as Java, C/C++, Python, R Programming, Web technologies such as HTML, CSS, XML, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery and so on.

    Been part of various teams handling client requests for assessment creation, custom test selection, requiring blueprint for a particular job profile.
» 4 परियोजनाओं
Master of Engineering or Technology
2014-2016 स्कोर77%
Links to my Project Papers during M.Tech at VIT, Vellore are provided below.

Optimizing Solution to Traveling Salesman Problem Using Parallel Multi-Level Graph Partitioning


Online Assessment Platform (Live at
Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Jabalpur Engineering CollegeRajiv Gandhi Technical University
Completed vocational training in 7th semester on Networking applications from Indian Railways, Signal & Telecom Dept., Jabalpur.
प्रोफाइल स्नैपशॉट
Amit Mumbai से बाहर है और CS-Computer Science, ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology वर्ष 2014-2016 से VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology, VIT University का अध्ययन किया है।
Amit Patni Core Java, Computer Knowledge, HTML और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है