N Hyderabad से बाहर है और Wireless and embedded, Ph.D-Doctor of Philosophy वर्ष 2013-2019 से VCE-Vasavi College of Engineering, Osmania University का अध्ययन किया है।
N Abid Ali Khan C Language, Object Oriented Programming, C Plus Plus और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है
Teaching the Under Graduate subjects:1. Computer Programming in C; 2. Object Oriented Programming Using C++; 3. Embedded Systems; 4. Wireless Sensor Networks; Teaching the Post Graduate Subjects: 1. Embedded System Design; 2. Real Time Operating Systems; Guiding student projects for both UG and PG in the field of Embedded Systems. Department Professional body Coordinator for engaging students and co-faculty to attend invited lectures, Seminars and workshops under the Standard Professional Societies like IEEE, IETE and IE(I).
Best Faculty Award for 2014-2015; Best Project Award in National Level Category for ESIC-2014
Research Engineer
Mahindra Satyam
पूरा समयजून-2008 तक जून-20091 साल
Understanding the business-case requirement of Server-on-wheels concept and proposing low-cost embedded Telematics architecture for the OEM. Good Human-Machine Interface requirement analysis and proposing the system design for Automobiles. C#.NET Compact Framework UI design for ASUS A626 Pocket PC in Windows Mobile OS 6. Across the globe, working as a principle investigator with the faculty and student teams at the leading Universities on the following projects: Multiplexing of GPRS channels, multi-path channel modeling R&D; ARM, C51 based AI designs for Automation using Zigbee; Hands free Telematics UI with Real-time Navigation; Fuel Cell Hydrogen powered Internal Combustion Engine; Reconfigurable ECU h/w design using Nios-II Cyclone FPGA
पूरा समयअक्तूबर-2005 तक अप्रैल-20082 वर्षों 6 महीने
Embedded Systems Design; Design using Microcontrollers; ARM; Real Time Operating System Subjects
At CORE-Advanced Tech & Information Processing, R&D in OEM ECU designs, Govt. Proposals planning, Lecturers in RTOS, Embedded Systems, Micro Controllers - 8051, ARM, Communication Networks, Projects using RTOS based ECU & Tamil to Hindi Language translator design
Software Engineer
MASCON Global Communication Ltd.
पूरा समयजुलाई-2005 तक सितम्बर-20052 महीने
SVG1.2Tiny parser scripting for Sharp Mobile Multimedia
Research Associate
पूरा समयदिसम्बर-2003 तक जून-20051 साल 6 महीने
Embedded SNMP v2 NMS design for Railtel's PDMUX system using RCM3000 on uC/OS-II RTOS based platform in Dynamic-C; Back-end logic for BEU Smart Card Defense Authentication System implementation.
Best Research Paper Award in International Conference ICICE-2005
N Hyderabad से बाहर है और Wireless and embedded, Ph.D-Doctor of Philosophy वर्ष 2013-2019 से VCE-Vasavi College of Engineering, Osmania University का अध्ययन किया है।
N Abid Ali Khan C Language, Object Oriented Programming, C Plus Plus और अन्य प्रतिभाओं में प्रतिभाशाली है